How to Get Teachers Genuinely Excited About Your New Initiative
Note: School Leadership Reimagined is produced as a podcast and designed to be listened to, not read. We strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on the page. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print.
You’re listening to School Leadership Reimagined, episode number 47.
Welcome to the School Leadership Reimagined podcast...
where we rethink what's possible to transform your school. If you're tired of settling for small wins and incremental improvement, then stay tuned to discover powerful and practical strategies for getting every teacher in your school moving towards excellence. Now, here's your host, Robyn Jackson.
Hey Builders!
Welcome to another episode of the school leadership reimagined podcast. I'm your host Robyn Jackson, and today we're going to talk about how to generate genuine excitement for your new initiative or your new project that you may have going on in your school this year.
And you know, excitement generating excitement wasn't something that I always thought about. In fact, when I first started working in schools and helping them kind of transform, I didn't talk about excitement at all. I just kind of assumed it was a given.
When I first learned about transformation, I was working with one of my mentors, Max Thompson.
I still think he's one of the most brilliant minds in education. I think he's retired now. But back when I was starting mindsteps and even before when I was a teacher, I was heavily influenced by its work and Max does this amazing work going into schools and helping them transform. And so I would often, you know, follow Max around, I'd, I'd watch him do an engagement and then afterwards we would sit down and talk about what he did and I'd ask questions. And I remember Max saying to me that all transformations follow a predictable pattern. And he started talking about what that pattern look like. And then I took what Max taught me and I put names to it. So the pattern that I identified is that first you've got to give people an opportunity to explore the change that you want them to make. And then you have to get them engaged in learning how to make this change. And then you can set an expectation for they're making the change in the classroom and then you evaluate how they're doing that and then you extend to the next piece of that transformation. And so I kind of codified what Max was teaching and I started teaching it.
I started working in school, so if I would go into a school and I would train teachers on, you know, how to improve the rigor in their classrooms. As I was working with teachers, I would also sit down with their administrative team and I would say, this is how you take this training and make it a permanent part of instruction so that it lasts long after I'm gone. And I was really, after a way to kind of make change sustainable. I didn't want to just go in and do a workshop and then hope that it made a difference. I wanted some sort of guarantee that after I left, people could still continue to do the things that I taught them.
I wanted to find a way to take these changes that I was helping schools make and make those changes permanent.
So I started working with this. I was doing this for a while. I was showing at schools this and I was getting marginal results. I mean better than before, but you know, sometimes schools would fall off. Other times I'd go to a school two or three years later, and the changes that we made were so embedded into the culture that people almost forgot that I was the one that taught them how to do that. It was just the way they did things. Now, they didn't see it as a mindsteps thing. They just thought this is an hour thing. This is what we do. And so I felt like it was uneven. I was tweaking it. I was learning more about the explorer stage in particular and trying to figure out, you know, I feel like that's still the most difficult stage. So I was trying to kind of tweak it to make it more effective.
And one day I was working with a group of Principals that I was coaching, so I was helping these principals institute some, some real changes in their schools so that they could transform their schools from low performing or mediocre performing. There's such a thing as a mediocre performer, I guess there is, but you know from performing it kind of lists mediocre level and trying to really help them break through what they felt like was a real barrier to just being kind of average to being a really great school. They had done a lot of work to get out of the basement in terms of test scores with students.
They had made a lot of changes in their school, but they were stuck.
And so I had this whole coaching group of principals who were kind of stuck at that point of just kind of mid level performance and they were trying to break through to, to being great. And I was talking to them about this change process and I was saying, you know, listen, if you really want to break through, it's going to follow a predictable process. And then I went through what then were my at five e's. And so we talked about how you're going to have to lead that exploration so that people get, can understand the kind of changes you're trying to get them to make and then how you're going to then get people engaged and then how you're going to expect or set the expectation for the change in behavior and how you're going to evaluate that. And then how you will go through an extend. And the principals were dutifully applying what I had been teaching them in the coaching group and their schools. And then we will come back and talk about what happened.
In a lot of cases the principals were hitting a wall.
That explore stage, which I was telling them should take a couple of months, was taking almost the entire school year and they were still getting all this pushback. And a lot of the push back was around, I don't even understand why we're making this change. We've done so much, we're better. Why do we need to get great? I don't even understand why you keep pushing us. We're tired, you know? So they were getting a lot of pushback from the staff. And they were getting frustrated. And honestly I was getting frustrated too because I believed in this process and yet I'm teaching these people this process and it's not working. And so one day we're having a coaching call and the principals were kind of explaining again, some of the pushback they were getting and they were so deflated and discouraged. And then it hit me. Most of the complaints that they were getting, most of the resistance that they were facing in the school was really around why are we doing this?
And the mistake that we were all making was we thought the why would be self evident or the why would just kind of build on, you know, some of the work that they had done before. Like how could they not understand the why we're all in this together. It's for the kids. And you know, it didn't make sense to us. And yet over and over again, the source of the resistance was around why. And then I remembered that Simon Sinek talk that, you know, almost everybody's easing some point where he talks about how you have to start with the why. And I said, you know what, here's the mistake we're making. We are not starting with the why. So I sent the principals out and I said, you got to go and you've got to make sure you explained the why all of these, these, these, these complaints in this resistance is really around the why.
Go back out there and explain the why!
And so they did. They made these impassioned speeches about why this change was so important. And some of them came back and they said, you know, that was a trick. That's what it took. And others came back and said, I explained the why and I got more why questions? And when I started thinking about what was the difference between the principals who kind of explained the why and got a lot of of pushback and the principals who explain the why and that was enough to get the teachers to move forward. So I sat down and talk with the principals individually and I said, what did you say when you were going back to your staff and explaining the why? And I started seeing a trend. The principals who focused on the why in terms of the benefit to the school and the school district.
They hit a wall, the principals who focused on the why, in terms of what it would do for the kids, what it would do for the families, what it would do for the teachers themselves. Those are the principals who had the breakthrough. And then I realized it wasn't enough to just start with the why. You have to start with the right way. And then once I learned that and I started teaching this over and over and over again, that's when we started to see a breakthrough. That's what I started to see consistently over and over and over again. The schools who did this first were the ones who actually got the initiative moving, got everybody committed to that initiative and sustained the commitment over time. And the schools who didn't do that continually hit walls at every stage of the process. And so I went back and I revise that transformation process.
Now instead of five E's, it has six E's.
So the first e is excite. You have to excite people first before you get them to explore the idea or even agree to continue the conversation. If you skip this stage, you're going to hit resistance and every other stage. But when you take time to do the excite stage, right, then it smooths the way for every other of the process. So today we're going to talk about how you can get people genuinely excited and invested in your new initiative and how to do that the right way. But before we do that, I want to first remind you of two things. Number one, you know, I'm writing a book where I'm trying to kind of lay out this whole buildership model, you know, start to finish so that someone can take that book and sit down and apply that Buildship model and start transforming their school with the people in the resources they already have in their schools.
So I'm chronicling this journey on Facebook and it's been really interesting because usually my, my writing process has always been, I've always kind of kept it opaque. You know, I kind of go into my secret thinking cave. I come up with a book idea and I emerged with a final book and I bring it out and release it to the world. And this time, because this is something that I am grappling with and thinking about it something that I've been teaching for years and it's something that I believe passionately in, I've decided to kind of make my writing process a little bit more transparent. I want you to know what goes into writing this book. And I'm also finding lately that are as, because I'm doing it this way, I'm engaging a lot more people in the process.
It's not just my thinking, it's really a combination of some collective thinking, some of the best minds out there.
So I have been chronicling this journey and engaging with people all throughout this journey on Facebook. And so if you and I are Facebook friends, you probably have seen me post questions or post. Okay. So today when I finish writing, here's what I'm writing about today and here's what I'm thinking about and here's what I kind of know for sure. And here's what I'm still kind of grappling with and what's been really interesting to me is how engaged people are getting in that conversation. So I'll say, you know, I'm really thinking about this. And then someone say, Hey, I've got this great resource around this. And so it's, it's almost like a crowdsourced kind of block or an opensource, you know, Robyn Jackson thinking and I don't know how to explain it, but it's been a really interesting and fun and sometimes hard because it's forcing me to be kind of vulnerable about, you know, things that I still struggle with and things that I'm not quite sure about yet.
But it's also going to mean a better book because by the time I'm done, I will be sure by the time I'm done I will know those things. And it's because of your help. So if you'd like to join me on their writing process, if you'd like to be a part of that writing process, then go ahead and send me a friend request on Facebook. I'm Robyn Jackson on Facebook when he, here's the thing, I'm only accepting requests. I get, you know, there are a lot of, you know, crazy books out there and there are a lot of bots and things like that. So I need to know that you're really an educator. And that you listened to the podcast, especially if you and I don't know each other already. So if you send me a friend request on Facebook, can you just, if it's not clear on your profile that you are an educator, could you just kind of send me a note that says, you know, hey, I listened to the podcast and I want to join you in your writing journey and that way I know to accept the friend request, but if you want to join me in the journey, that's where it's all happening on Facebook.
The second thing that I want to remind you about is Builder's Lab.
And the reason I want to remind you about builder's lab is a, I think it's the best professional development experience that you will ever have around really taking a good look at your school and figuring out how you change the will and the skill of the people in your school so that you can turn your school into this raving success story with the people that you have right now that you don't have to wait until you get better teachers or you get better funding or you get, you know, a better building. You can actually have transformation right now and build this lab shows you how to do that. So I think it's a, you know, we work really hard to make it an amazing professional development experience. We keep it less than a hundred people so that I have an opportunity to work with each one of you intimately to help you.
So this is not just three days of sit and get one. You know, there are last builders, lot of somebody actually said to me, you know, I had to helps about coming to builder's lab because you know, three days is a long time to just kind of sit and get. And after the first break she said, you know what, this isn't anything like what I expected because it's not sit and get, this is real work. That's why we call it builder's lab. It's not a conference. You're not sitting and listening to me talk for three days. You're doing work. And so I will, the way it works is I teach something and then you actually apply it and then I teach something else and then you practice it and then apply it. And so there's a lot of give and take and there's a lot of time where you and I actually get opportunities to work one on one. It's not just one group actually you, I'll sit down with you, I'll say, okay, show me what you're working on right now.
We will work through it together.
And then we also have an implementation lab on day three of boulders labs. So that you can take everything that you've learned in practice over the last two and a half days. And then on the second half of day three, you actually put it into practice. So we actually sit down and we say, okay, what emails do you need to write? What what do you need to create a, what schedules do you need to create before you go back to your building? So that when you go back to your building, you don't have a laundry list of things that you have to accomplish. You've already accomplished some things. And not only that, but afterwards, because I care so much about the people that are just spent three intense days working with at builder's lab, we have now created a 90 day followup sequence where I am checking in with you on a regular basis.
I do accountability check-ins to make sure that you are doing what you committed to doing at builder's lab. I send you extra resources, I invite you to private masterclasses where I go and explain things that I didn't get to in builder's lab. In other words, I don't ascend you back into the wild and expect, you know, good luck with everything. Instead I say, listen, we are starting a journey together at builders lab, but that journey doesn't end at builder's lab. It calls for the next 90 days afterwards because I'm that invested in your success. So I am inviting you to the last builders lab of 2019 it's going to be happening this October seven through nine in Dallas, Texas and there's still a little bit of time left to get your tickets, the tickets, the ticket sales end at the end of September.
So if you've been on the fence and thinking about it, now's the time to get off the fence.
Just go ahead and go to mindsteps INC com slash builders dash lab and get your ticket. Or if you're having trouble, you can call us at (888) 565-8881 and the office staff will help you get registered and if you're registering a group or you want to use a Po there, instructions on that site that show you exactly how to do that. We have several groups who have signed up already and so again, go to mindset, think.com/builders-lab or give us a call here in the office at (888) 565-8881. All right. Now let's talk about three things that you can do right now to generate genuine excitement for your new idea or your new initiative with your staff. The first one I've already alluded to, you have to start with the why, but here's the thing, you can't start with your why. I think that's a distinction that a lot of people miss when they, when they see Simon sine x. Talk about, start with a why.
We start with our why.
We start with all the reasons why we think this initiative will work or why we believe now is a time to change our, our behavior or our approach. That's great, but that's only interesting to you. People hear that y and if it's not there, why they say, well, that's your why, and they move on because they're too busy thinking about their why. You see when you start with why you have to start with their why not your why. Let me give you an example. I was listening to a back to school talk with the superintendent and the superintendent was talking about why they were having these initiatives this year. And she started talking about all the pressure that the school district was getting from the state and how state test were scores were low and how they were about to get taken over if they didn't do something different and how she was experiencing budgetary cards and so that she wasn't going to be able to do everything she wanted to do, but she wanted to do this piece.
And as I'm listening, it just sounded like a whole bunch of just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And most of the teachers around me felt the same way that the superintendent was talking about why they needed to do this new thing based on the pressures she was facing. But it had nothing to do with the pressures that the teachers were facing. I see this all the time with school administrators. They go to their staffs and they say, okay, we're going to do this. And it's for the kids and they give this big lofty y. And they never tap into why the teachers might want to engage in that initiative. So when I'm working with people at Builder's lab, we're in our private workshops and I say, what is the why behind this new thing we've gone through the, the builder's blueprint, we've kind of figured out what the area focus should be. And if you want to learn how to do or find out more about how to do that, just go ahead and listen to episode 46 where I talk about that process.
We've gone through that process, we've gotten the right focus, we believe it's the right focus.
And now we say, okay, now why would this be important to teachers? And in most cases, people can not imagine why would be important to teachers. They really have a hard time. They come up with things like, well, you know, it'll help them perform better in class and it'll help students perform better. And I'm like, okay, so why is that important to teachers? Why did teachers want students to perform better? Or how is it going to help teachers? Well, it'll help them be better teachers. Okay. Do your teachers want to be better teachers? Is that something that they want right now?
Is that something they see as a real challenge for them? And it's all, it takes time. People have a hard time seeing things from the teacher's perspective as opposed to their own perspective. So one of the things we do is we sit down and we say, what do your teachers want? And a lot of cases, people can't really explain what teachers want. They go and talk about what teachers don't want. Or they'll say things like, well, teachers want more time or teachers want more, more freedom or flexibility. And that's because that's what teachers have complained about. But what's behind that more time to do what? Why do they feel like they don't have enough time already? What do they think more time will give them? Nobody just wants more time. They want more time to do something else. Nobody just wants more flexibility, they want more flexibility to do something else.And where a lot of school administrators struggle and coaches too is they can't figure out what is that something else that people want and what more time to do, what people can't answer that question.
If you can't answer that question, you can't get to the root of a teacher's why.
So you've got to think about the why from the teacher's perspective. And if you have trouble with this, there are several things you can do. One is listen closely to teacher's complaints because a lot of times they're real. Why is embedded in their complaints. Let me give you an example. You never give us enough time to, to, to plan. And immediately we respond with what do you mean? And you have 42 minutes and 30 seconds to plan. What are you talking about? Instead of getting defensive about that or judging what they're saying, let's take a step back and say, okay, why is that a problem?
So when people complain, Oh, you don't give us enough time to plan, you can say, okay, why is that a problem? And then keep asking why until you get to the teachers' true desire. So we don't have enough time to plan. Why is that a problem? Well, it's a problem because I'm just learning the new curriculum and I need more time to really get my head around it. Ah, okay. And if you had more time to get your head around it, how do you think it would affect your teaching? Well, I wouldn't feel so frazzled right now. I just feel frazzled. I feel like I'm only a couple of steps ahead of the kids and I just don't feel like I know what I'm doing and I don't feel like I'm being as effective with kids. Oh, okay. So if you had more time, well Lee's then I would have time to kind of think through the curriculum and get more than a few days ahead so I can see the bigger picture of what's happening.
Okay, Now you're getting to the real reason why.
And then if you come back with your new initiative and you say, this new initiative can help you get a bigger sense of the scope and sequence so that you can not only understand where your students are, but you understand where they're going, now you have teacher's attention. If you don't do that work, if you just say, well, it's going to help me be more successful in the classroom. Teachers don't hear it because success for one teacher means something different than success for another teacher. And by the way, hearing successful in the classroom come out of your mouth gives them specters of teacher evaluation instruments. You don't really understand what successful means and teachers, unless you ask them, and then if you can articulate that and connect that to your new initiative, this is the why.
This is what you can expect to get out of this initiative. If you can connect that to what teachers really want, now you have their attention. Now they're excited, now they're invested. But what we skip this step, we don't do this. We don't take the time to understand what teachers really want and because we don't take the time to understand what teachers really want, they are not invested. They are, or they're only marginally invested in our initiative because that initiative doesn't really have anything to do with them. It's about what you want. It's not about what the teachers want. You have to start with the teachers, why and not your why. So that's, that's number one. Number two is you've got to make the stakes clear.
A lot of times we'll say, if we don't do this, test scores will go down and we'll go on a state, take over.
You lose your job or we won't get our bonus, or I, you know, okay, those stakes aren't not that heavy and we're focusing on the negative stakes. What we don't do, a lot of times it's focused on what will happen if we do this initiative, if we do this, what is the brighter future look like? You see people want to be involved in something that matters and they want to believe that if they do this thing that you're asking them to do, it will make a difference. Not just for kids but for them. So what are the stakes? What will they gain by participating in this new initiative in this way? What will they lose if they don't? And you really want to spend more time on what they will gain. You can mention what they'll lose. It's important.
They need to know the stakes.
They need to know, not only will we gain this, if we don't do it, we're gonna lose this or, or this will happen. This bad thing will happen. They need to know that because that makes the good steaks much gooder. But what you want to do is you don't want to spend all your time on the negative consequences of not acting. You want to mention that so that people have as as a clear juxtaposition to what will happen if we do this. So again, start with their why, what is it that they want and then start showing them how this new initiative can help them get what they want. They have to be genuine here. Like don't say, okay, if we start this new attendance program, then you will spend less time taking attendance and you can have more time with your lesson plans. I mean come on, no one is going to buy that.
It's not even true. But you have to do is you have to make sure that you are choosing an initiative that is a meaningful enough that it actually will give teachers what they want. And that's why you have to go through that first step of saying, okay, what is the problem? Do I really understand the problem? And I outlined all of that in episode 46 he can go back and listen to that. But once you come out and you have genuinely done the work where you're saying, this is something that we really need to focus on right now and this is the most important thing that we need to focus on right now, it should be a lot easier to then show teachers how by focusing on this thing, the teachers can also get what they want. Doesn't mean that you don't get what you want or you don't do what's right for the kids.
It's not like the kids aren't important. That's not what I'm saying.
What I am saying is that for the teachers to fully invest in it, they have to see what is going to be the payoff for them. And if you don't understand what payoff they're looking for, it's going to be really hard to make the case. Or if you've not chosen a meaningful enough initiative, there is no payoff. So you have to make sure first you've chosen a meaningful initiative. Secondly, you've paid attention to their why and then make the logical connection. If we do this, you get what you want. Kids get what they need. Parents get what they need. The school is better as a result. But you again, you get what you want. If we don't do this, this is what happens. And the negative stakes are not negative to you. They don't really care.
I hope, I know that sounds harsh, but they really don't care about negative consequences for you. They care about the negative consequences for the kids and they care about the negative consequences for themselves. And so you have to make those negative consequences genuine. Again, you can't just say, more kids won't learn or we're going to test scores are going to go down because that's very impersonal. What do you have to say is that we're, we won't be able to make, keep our promise to students and parents. You won't be able to make the difference in the lives of kids that you came here to make. It has to be personal. So show people the stakes. Okay. And the third thing is that you have to keep telling the story of change. A lot of times when we roll out a new initiative, we go in with the big why and we tell the story about what we could be and if we do this initiative and what will happen if we don't, then we go back to business as usual and then we get upset when people lose their excitement. Well, you only tell the story once and it probably wasn't very good the first time you told it. The only way that the story gets good to people is that you have to keep telling it over and over again.
You have to become a broken record and here's what happens.
One, every time you tell the story of change for your building, the story gets better. You get better at telling the story why? Because every time you repeat the story, you get new objections and every time you hear those objections you begin to incorporate those objections into your story. So your story starts speaking to more and more people. If you only tell the story once, you know you've been thinking about it, you come out and you give the story to people once and then it either falls flat or it doesn't, and then you go back into your thinking cave and say, okay, well I've gotten that done.
Now let's get to do the change. You're not going to get anywhere. You have to go out and you have to tell the story and then every time you tell the story you have to get better at it. So you tell the story. Once people hear it, they push back in some way, then you come back and you think about what they have to say and you incorporate their objections into your story. Then you call back and you tell the story again. And more people say, hmm, that actually makes sense now. But other people object and you incorporate those objections into your story and then you go back and tell it again and again and again and you just keep repeating it. And people say to me all the time, but Robyn, if I do that, I'll be a broken record. And I say so it's isn't there power in repetition?
Don't we tell teachers when they're teaching, that repetition is a powerful learning device.
So be a broken record but be a broken record about the right thing. You want it to get to the point where every time people see you they're like, okay, here she's going to be talking about this initiative again and while that sounds very cynical, what you're doing is you are ne because you keep repeating that story over and over and over again. You are now seeping into their subconscious and you are starting to change their belief. They start to believe that that story of change that you are telling them it's actually possible and it's actually not going to go away. We're actually going to stick with this throughout an entire process until we see success. When people hear the story over and over again, they know you're serious. They know this is not just the flavor of the month initiative.
This is not just the back to school speech and then we go back to business as normal. They realize something that's different. Change is going to happen. And not only that, they start to believe in that change because they keep hearing it over and over again because you get better and better at telling the story. One of the biggest mistakes we make is that we don't tell our story enough. We don't repeat it enough. We get tired of hearing it ourselves. But the principals and the superintendents that I have seen who really been able to get people excited and believing in the changes that they want to bring to the school or school district, those are the people who keep repeating the story. They tell the story at the big meeting. They tell the story again and in small meetings they repeat that story and individual conversations.
I want to know the principal.
Every time somebody talked to him, he would turn the conversation to the story or change. So a teacher would stick her head in his office and say, Hey, just want to let somebody know that the staff lounge bathroom doesn't have any toilet paper in the bathroom. And the principal would say, oh, hey, great. Thanks for letting me know. I'll take care of it right away. Hey, while you're here, let's talk a little bit about what we're going to be doing next year, four for the new master schedule and how it's going to serve kids. I'd like your ideas and insight on that. And so another person would come into his office and say, Hey, listen I'm going to be out tomorrow. I'm, I've got to get a root canal. And so I just want to let you know of, I had gotten a sub and the principal would say, okay, great.
Thanks for letting me know. Hey, while you're here tomorrow, when you're in that root canal chair, I want you to be thinking about how we can implement this change that we've been talking about. Now I'm being a little ridiculous here, but the principle was really every single conversation you turned it into a conversation about the initiative. He became such a broken record that people started repeating everything he said. People started kind of imbibing that story so much that it became their story too. And by the time it was done, every single teacher, bus driver, secretary instructional aide school psychologist, guidance counselor, cafeteria worker, everybody in that building was committed to the change because he just kept repeating the story. You see the first time you, you come out with your story of change, the first time you come out with this new proposal for what we should be doing, you're not going to be good at it.
A lot of people put pressure on themselves because they feel like if they don't nail that first speech, they'll never get another shot.
That's not true. The first speech was just your first offer and then people pushed back and you hear them and you incorporate their push back into your story of change. And then you come back and you repeat it again. Only this time it's a little bit better. And then you hear more feedback and you incorporate that into your story of change and you repeat it again and you keep repeating it until people believe it. If your story doesn't land the first time, don't give up. Look back at your story and say, did I incorporate their why was, what's my story of change about my why or did my story of change really address their why? And if you didn't call back, ask people, listen to them, find out what they really want and incorporate that into your story a change.
The next thing you want to ask is, have I made the stakes clear enough? Have I helped people see how implementing this change is going to get them something that they desperately want and have I helped them see how by not implementing this change, then we are going to face consequences that they desperately don't want. And if I haven't made those stakes clear that I need to go back and revise my story and tell it again. And third, if people still aren't responding, have I told my story enough? Have enough people heard it, have I have, I've gone out and shared my story more than once. And if the answer's no, then you've got work to do. Go back out and share your story again and keep repeating it until you generate that excitement. It really is simple. It's not simplistic but it is simple.
You've got to make sure that you create a compelling story for change, one that people can get excited about.
One where people can see, ah, this is how it relates to me. This is how it's gonna make my life better. This is how it's going to change what I do and make me more effective as a teacher or more effective with students. And then you've got to keep repeating it so that people start believing that this is possible, believing that we're actually going to do that. When you do that, you can generate tremendous and lasting excitement for your initiative and you can do it like a builder. Now before we go, I just want to remind you one more time, the deadline for getting tickets to our upcoming builders lab is that the end of the month you don't want to miss out. This is the perfect time of year to come and you need to get your tickets before the end of September where you're doing builder's lab in Dallas, Texas, October seven through nine 2019 and you can get your tickets, add mindsteps inc com slash builders dash lab.
Now let's talk about next week.
After you get people excited about your initiative, after you've actually helped people genuinely invest in this idea of what you want to do for your school, what do you do next? And so next time we're going to talk about probably the hardest part of bringing transformation to your school and that's the explore stage. We're going to talk about what do you do with the objections that show up? What do you do with the resistance that you meet? How do you handle those things and move past those things so that you can actually achieve transformation in your school this school year. So we're next time we're going to talk about how do you handle objections like a builder.
I'll talk to you then.
Bye for now. See you next time.
Thank you for listening to the School Leadership Reimagined podcast for show notes and free downloads visit https://schoolleadershipreimagined.com/
School Leadership Reimagined is brought to you by Mindsteps Inc, where we build master teachers.